Snapchat Planets Order And Meaning Explained [2024]

Do you want to know how friend solar systems work in snap? Then, here is a comprehensive guide about Snapchat Planets. Snapchat is the most popular and most used social media application.

In 2022, Snap released its Snapchat Plus (+) version. This is a subscription-based app that costs around $3.99 per month. Snap Plus offers experimental features to its users who have the Snapchat premium plan.

Snapchat has rolled out many new features for its subscription users, offering a more exciting and personalized experience. One of the most incredible additions is Snap Planets, which assigns a planet to your best friends or close contacts.

With Snapchat Plus, you’ll also notice Best Friends or Friends badges on people’s profiles. Here is what they mean:

  • Best Friends: You’re in each other’s top eight closest friends on Snapchat.
  • Friends: You’re one of their top eight, but they aren’t in yours.

Want to know your exact ranking? Tap the badge to see their Friend’s Solar System. Each planet shows your position on their Best Friends list.

In this article, we will explain Snapchat Planets and how Friend Solar Systems work. We will also provide details about Snap Planets‘ meanings, order, and more.

Snapchat Planets – Friend Solar Systems Explained

Snapchat’s Friend Solar System works just like our actual solar system. Every planet in the solar system revolves around the sun, and every planet is at a different distance from the sun. In our solar system, the closest planet is Mercury, and Neptune is the farthest planet.

In Snapchat Plus, you’re the Sun in your friend’s solar system. Your closest friend is assigned Mercury; the second closest gets Venus, and so on. Neptune represents their eighth-closest friend.

A complete Snapchat Solar System guide is provided here, so check out the below headings.

Snapchat Planets Order

Snapchat provides many features in its Snap Plus, and one feature of Snapchat Premium is the Friend solar system, which is a unique way to visualize how close you are to your friends.

With Snapchat Plus, your eight closest friends are represented by planets in your little solar system. The closer the planet is to the Sun (you), the stronger your bond. Here is the Snapchat Best Friends List according to the planet’s order.

  1. Mercury (Closest friend)
  2. Venus (Second closest friend)
  3. Earth (Third closest friend)
  4. Mars (Fourth closest friend)
  5. Jupiter (Fifth closest friend)
  6. Saturn (Sixth closest friend)
  7. Uranus (Seventh closest friend)
  8. Neptune (Eighth closest friend)

Planet Meanings in Snapchat

Here’s a breakdown of what each planet represents in your Friend’s Solar System:

1. Mercury

This is the closest solar in the universe, the same as in Snap planets. Friends who get the Mercury tag are your closest friends. It represents your best friend, and you exchange most of the snaps and messages with them. If you’ve earned the “Mercury” spot, you’ll likely recognize it by the red planet symbol with five surrounding red hearts. It also features a few sparkling elements.

2. Venus

Venus represents the second-closest friend spot on Snapchat’s solar planets. Venus is the second planet closest to the Sun in our universe, and on Snapchat planets, it reflects your second-strongest friendship on Snapchat. The symbol of Venus is a light brown planet with a cluster of yellow, pink, and blue hearts orbiting it, reflecting the warmth and energy of this close friendship.

3. Earth

This is the third closest friend on your Snapchat. This describes a solid connection between you and your friend. In the Snap Planets, Earth is represented by the Moon, Stars, and red hearts around it, the same as the real-life Earth.

4. Mars

Mars, the fourth planet from the Sun, stands for your fourth-best friend on Snapchat. You’ll recognize it by the red planet adorned with stars and a mix of purple and blue hearts. It is a symbol of the energy and vibrancy in this friendship.

5. Jupiter

Jupiter, the fifth planet from the Sun, represents your fifth-closest friend on Snapchat. While a good friend, you might snap them less frequently than those in the inner orbits. In your friend’s solar system, Jupiter is a giant, reddish-orange planet with bold dark stripes and colourful stars.

6. Saturn

In your Snapchat friend rankings, Saturn represents your sixth-closest friend. You’ll recognize it by its orange colour, iconic ring, and surrounding stars. This person is in your circle, with occasional snaps shared. This friend holds a notable place in your friend group.

7. Uranus

Uranus represents your seventh-closest Snapchat friend. Unlike the other planets, it stands out as a green planet with a touch of sparkle but without any hearts – reflecting a slightly more distant connection.

8. Neptune

Neptune, the final planet in our solar and your Snapchat friend systems, represents your eighth closest friend. You’ll recognize it as a dark blue planet with a wavy texture and no hearts.

How to Check Snapchat Planets?

All Snapchat users who want to know their friend’s position in their Snapchat account can check it by simply following the given steps. You can check your friend’s position in your Snap solar system.

STEP 1. Open your Snapchat+ app.

STEP 2. Now, on the app, open your friend profile.

STEP 3. Now tap on the Best friend or friend badge to check the Snap planets

Snapchat Planets
Snapchat Planets


Snapchat Planets bring a fun and unique dimension to your Snapchat friendships. By understanding the planets and their meanings, you get a glimpse into the strength of your connections. Remember, these rankings are dynamic and can change as your interactions move.

Now that you’re a Snapchat Planets expert, it’s time to explore your own Friend Solar Systems! Head over to your Snapchat Plus profile and start checking those planets. Who holds the coveted Mercury spot in your universe? For more guides, check out the official website.